Amundi Germany GmbH

Financial service provider

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Amundi is the leading European asset manager¹ and one of the ten largest asset managers worldwide.¹ Its offering for corporate investors focuses on liquidity strategies as well as pension solutions. Amundi is the largest European provider of euro money market funds² and manages €219bn³ in liquidity strategies.

In Germany, Amundi Asset Management is one of the most important international players with assets under management totalling €139 billion³. German clients benefit from German-speaking portfolio managers and investment specialists in Munich and Frankfurt as well as dedicated legal, compliance, tax and back-office departments for the German market.

¹Source: IPE "Top 500 Asset Managers", published in June 2024 based on assets under management as at December 2023.

²Source: Broadridge - as at 30th June 2024. Open-ended Funds domiciled in Europe and in euros only.

³Source: Amundi. As at 30th September 2024.