Media partner

Company information is the independent platform for digitalisation, finance, banking and payment transactions. Our editorial team brings researched news, facts and background as well as opinion, assessment and classification suggestions on digitalisation and current developments in the banking and finance landscape. On the financial industry, payments and banking. On digitalisation and digital transformation. On banks, start-ups and FinTechs. News, reports and background - consistently combined with retrievable knowledge and concrete know-how from our knowledge database (link:

We observe developments in the financial industry from the perspective of digitalisation and against the backdrop of the upheavals in the financial sector. Existing players such as banks and insurers are in focus, as are new providers: Startups, FinTechs, other financial service providers and technology companies (Big Techs). And with them, the current technologies that are constantly changing the range of services and the rules of the game. The perspective of our editorial team consistently includes the viewpoint of users and customers, because customer centricity has gained in importance for the entire financial sector and will continue to do so.