Verband Deutscher Treasurer e.V.



Company description

The German Association of Corporate Treasurers (Verband Deutscher Treasurer e.V.) was founded in 1997 and is the leading German professional association for corporate treasury representing more than 1,400 members from over 630 companies, including corporates from DAX, MDAX, SDAX and the German midcap business sector. In addition, banks, software providers, consultants and others are supporting members of the association.

The association connects treasury colleagues across companies, enables and encourages its members to exchange information, knowledge and updates on contents with a treasury focus and develops the occupational profile of treasurers. The key guiding principle for the activities in our community is „by treasurers for treasurers“.

The association comprises five work streams: Asset Management, Cash & Liquidity, Equity & Debt, Risk Management and Occupational Profile/Qualification. The stream teams / members monitor trends and developments, define best practice standards and provide information on prevailing treasury topics. The results are regularly shared in a wide range of e.g. full day events, Webinars, trainings/seminars as well as published as guidelines, in newsletters, articles and books / booklets.