abrdn Investments

Financial service provider

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Company information

abrdn Investments is a large, globally active and independent asset manager. Our aim is to help investors around the world to achieve their investment goals and broaden their investment spectrum. With more than 600 investment specialists in over 25 globally networked locations, we manage assets of EUR 442.6 billion*.

Thanks to this size, broad investment expertise and in-depth in-house research, we are able to provide institutional investors with a wide range of investment solutions consisting of money market funds, equity and bond strategies in developed and emerging markets, real estate and private markets (including infrastructure) as well as integrated multi-asset strategies.

We take environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into account in our investment decisions. Through active engagement with the companies we invest in, we maintain relationships that help us to understand their risks and opportunities and positively influence their business practices in order to play a role in promoting positive social and environmental change.

In Germany, we are represented by abrdn Investments Deutschland AG, which has around 100 employees in Frankfurt and manages client assets of around EUR 35 billion* and offers a broad range of products for institutional investors and sales partners in the private client segment.

*As at: 30.09.2024