KYC and Sanctions Screening: Get started without recruiting an army of compliance officers

10. Mai 202314:15-15:00Sponsor: Avallone


Transparency is here, so old ways of Know-Your-Customer KYC are obsolete.

Today’s KYC professionals need to know all counterparties: customers, vendors, investors, etc. This is why everyone is conducting due diligence on each other: to ensure their counterparties are of good reputation, not sanctioned and works seriously with ESG.

But how? What’s the crucial relation between KYC + sanctions screening? Join this interactive session to learn + discuss with industry experts on how to get started.


– Anders Meinert Jørgensen, Avallone

  • Sponsor: Avallone
  • 10. Mai 2023
  • 14:15-15:00
  • Workshop
  • Johannes Brahms